Comfortable win for Holytown MMA ace Chris Bungard over Brazilian

Chris Bungard (right) made light work of his Brazilian opponent (Submitted pic)Chris Bungard (right) made light work of his Brazilian opponent (Submitted pic)
Chris Bungard (right) made light work of his Brazilian opponent (Submitted pic)
Chris Bungard reckons the challenging travel conditions presented by the heavy snowfall and freezing temperatures which hit Scotland recently helped him defeat his exhausted Brazilian opponent.

Holytown MMA ace Bungard disposed of Brazilian Nataniel Roberto just four minutes into the first round of their lightweight contest at Dalkeith’s Woodburn Club earlier this month.

“He had travelled over from Brazil just two days before,” Bungard said.

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“The bad weather meant we didn’t even know if he would make it. I knew he would be tired after the journey so I had an advantage.

“But it was still a tough fight as he was quite strong.

“I was close with some early submissions but I finished him with a knee and some strikes against the cage.

“It was all right. It was a good fight and the atmosphere was crazy.

“Hearing Celtic songs and Flower of Scotland getting sung was marvellous.

“I like quick fights. I don’t want to bore people with three round submissions.”

Eleven of Bungard’s 12 wins from 16 pro fights have come in the first round.

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