Joanna Lumley backs campaign to get Billy freed

Joanna Lumley.Joanna Lumley.
Joanna Lumley.
Actress Joanna Lumley is backing the campaign to free six British men who have been jailed in an Indian prison.

Jamie Irving (40) from Bearsden has been working hard behind the scenes to get his younger brother Billy (37) freed, because he insists that he is innocent.

Billy was imprisoned for firearms charges in October 2013, along with five other ex-British soldiers and 29 crew members, after their anti-piracy ship - Seaman Guard Ohio - strayed into Indian waters carrying weapons in 2013.

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The dad-of-one Billy was working on vessels as a security guard defending against the threat from armed pirates in the Indian Ocean.

They were accused of breaking the law and having weapons on board that weren’t legal.

The Ab Fab star Joanna has joined a growing list of VIPs calling for their release.

Prince Charles and Prince Harry also recently backed the campaign to get the men out of jail.

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Jamie said: “It’s great that some high profile people such as Joanna Lumley and the Royals are supporting our campaign.

“We hope they can use their influence to get the men out sooner.

“They all want to get out as soon as they can to be reunited with their families.”

Joanna Lumley said she hopes the miscarriage of justice is “resolved speedily” after Lisa Dunn, sister of detainee Nick Dunn, contacted her to ask for her help.

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Joanna’s aide replied: “Miss Lumley sends her deepest sympathies. She sincerely hopes the outcome is resolved speedily and that Nick is returned as soon as possible.

“Miss Lumley sends her warmest good wishes.”

The men, who launch an appeal next week, have the backing of 20 MPs.

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