Designer shines at Japanese exhibition

Joyces gowns on display at the Tartan exhibition at the Kobe Fashion Museum, Japan. The exhibition, which will visit five cities, is expected to be seen by more than 50,000 people.Joyces gowns on display at the Tartan exhibition at the Kobe Fashion Museum, Japan. The exhibition, which will visit five cities, is expected to be seen by more than 50,000 people.
Joyces gowns on display at the Tartan exhibition at the Kobe Fashion Museum, Japan. The exhibition, which will visit five cities, is expected to be seen by more than 50,000 people.
The work of a Milngavie-based fashion designer will be featured in a new tartan exhibition in Japan, which is set to run for the next two years.

Joyce Young’s work has been worn by heads of state, celebrities and at countless weddings across the world by brides enamoured by her romantic and decadently designed wedding dresses evoking Scotland’s heritage.

The event simply entitled ‘Tartan’, which opens this week at the Kobe Fashion Museum at Hyogo, has been organised by the Kobe Shimbun newspaper, and will have exhibitions at five major cities throughout Japan.

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